Our story…
For the past 85 years, The Bethlehem Dairy Store has been a favorite of area families looking to enjoy many flavors of homemade ice cream. Back in the 1920’s and 30’s, families would line up along the outside of the store on Linden Street to watch Soap-box derby races and then head to the store for ice cream. You may hear many long-time residents refer to the store as “The Cup”, due to its original shape as a large milkshake cup. Other people may refer to the store as “Mowrer’s”, in honor of the long time ownership by the Mowrer family.
For over 30 years, William Burkhardt and Frederick Buckenmeyer have been co-owners of the Bethlehem Dairy Store, Inc. In late August 2002, they opened an additional location on the campus of Lehigh University, in the Campus Square retail area. We also operate stands at Musikfest, Bethlehem’s arts and music festival held in early August, in addition to participating in a variety of other local festivals.